See You On Pinterest!

As I have confessed in a previous post, I'm pretty much on the internet daily. Hotmail, Facebook, Pinterest and podcasts like Jack Spirko's get the major portion of my time. When I'm up and doing something I usually have a podcast or Zello playing in the background. My music station is the internet based website Pandora.

The recognizable Pinterest button
I, along with many internet users, love Pinterest. Although it is not the first of it's kind of website, it is the first I encountered. My personal site has 53 boards and 871 pins. Most users on Pinterest are females. Yes, there are a few men scattered throughout, but mainly there are women and so most pins you find are more geared toward our interests. That would be food, crafts, decorating, personal care, quotes, art, etc. My boards started with the same themes and were pretty mainstream.

At some point, while searching on the internet, I came to a site and wanted to bookmark it. Well, why not pin it, but which board? And, I thought it would be so out of place among the pins that are generally found on the community "just pinned" board. What the heck - so I created my "Homesteading" board. Later, when I found an idea that someone did for their birthday in the nature of philanthropy and wanted to pin it, I created my "Small Ideas/Big Results" board. As I encountered new and different topics I created boards for them and now have boards labeled "Liberty Topics" and "Medical Articles".

I've tried to introduce my husband to Pinterest a couple of different times. I think he can understand the power of the concept, but I don't think he really "sees" how he can use it, and most men are in the same boat. However, today I did a search on Pinterest for boards with the term "survival" and guess how many boards I got. A thousand! Yes, one thousand - I counted them.

So, if you are not a Pinterest user, I highly recommend it. You can find me there as Urge To Preserve. I've started with 9 boards and have 60 pins. That's today. By tomorrow there with be many more!

Happy Pinning!


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