The Gloxinia is Blooming - Again!

      We talk of stopping to smell the roses - today I made some time to stop and take a picture of this beautiful Gloxinia. Although you can't see them all, there are a total of seven flowers and buds on this single plant. Related to African Violets, the Gloxinia is an interesting plant to grow. Over at Nemingha's Hubpage there are growing facts and history.

Florist Gloxinia is related to African Violets
     This Gloxinia came by way of a very special person in my life. For the last eight or so years I have been working with the elderly, many of whom have been in the last stages of their lives. Like the people I care for, I often find myself caring for their plants. My last situation was with a wonderful woman, Aileen. I first met Aileen in about 1981 or 82. At the time she was about 60 and I was about 30. We were acquaintances through the years, but never really friends. Last fall Aileen had come to the place in her life where she was in need of some extra help to make it through the day. She was now 90 and while her brain was still sharp as ever, her body began to fail. At first I sat with her in the evenings, mostly to be there to let her little dog, Molly, go out at night before bed. By the end of November Aileen called to ask if I could come during the day to replace her morning gal. So began a wonderful seven month journey with Aileen that culminated in her death May 10th. We grew very close in those months. She gave me many "gifts" during that time, mostly her example as a very strong Christian woman, a steady rock to so many of her friends. I grew to love her and I still miss her daily.

     So this year the Golxinia is blooming and Aileen is not here to see it. She marveled at how beautiful it was and that it had come back from the dead. I sometimes wish Aileen could do that.  Aileen, I hope you are joyously happy in heaven, cause many of us here sure miss you a lot. And, this year the Gloxinia is amazingly beautiful - again!


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